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Works are progressing well at Bardon II, Unit 2. Michael Sparks Associates are the architects/masterplanners for client Mountpark at Bardon – a prime Midlands distribution park extending over 145 acres located off J22 of the M1 Motorway.

The first phase of 3 buildings has been fully let to Amazon, Eddie Stobart and Pharmacy2U.

Mountpark Bardon II is the second phase with Unit 1 already pre-let to VF Corporation and Units 2 & 3 offering flexible opportunities for prospective tenants.

Main Contractors Winvic Construction have recently been scored an exceptional 45 by the Considerate Constructors Scheme, recognising the use of industry leading biodegradable technology and a 55,000 sq ft saving on single use plastic sheeting.

Works are due to complete in April 2020.